Wednesday 5 November 2008

Planning My Perfume Ad

I want to create a perfume advert aimed at the young generation, this being 15-25 year old females, as most people among this audience will be looking for an inexpensive, fun fragrance to use, to make them appear youthful and interesting. I am going to do this by keeping the style of the perfume very modern and colourful, and by using a young, british, well-known model.

As we were told to keep to an english theme, my group decided on the name 'English Rose.' We didn't want to have to use the image of the union jack, or typical english signifiers (e.g the bulldog), as we thought this would make the audience view the perfume as cheap, and tacky. We used the idea of the rose to signify sophistication. This idea of sophistication would also be helped along by a young, famous model, also to help create the idea of sexual confidence, which most women desire.

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