Thursday, 20 November 2008


For our main character, Adalia, we wanted to create the look of the classic 'Femme Fatale.' To achieve this, we decided to use these costume ideas.

The first idea for the costume was to have a pencil skirt. This was because it portrays a look of glamour, sophistication and femininity. A pencil skirt would show a vintage style, businesswoman type woman who likes to dress smart and to seem superior to others. This can be seen as mis-leading to the audience, as it can lead them to believe she is an honest, hard-working woman. The colour would be black to present the character as dark and deceiving. The pencil skirt also reflects the image of the femme fatale you would see in 1950's and 60's thrillers.

It was also decided to team this black pencil skirt with a white shirt. This helps to portray the image of a hard-working superior woman. The colour being white contrasts with the black of the pencil skirt, as the white could be seen to reflect innocence and honesty, whereas the black of the skirt reflects secrecy and deviance.

We decided to use the high heeled shoe as part of Adalia's costume. This is because, typically, high heels represent a confident, sophisticated woman, so this reflected how we wanted to portray Adalia. Also it is another typical piece of costume for a classic femme fatale.

We used the red beret to create a contrast between a sharp colour and the black and white of the rest of Adalia's clothing. The red of the hat helps to create a reference to blood and danger, almost as if it's foreshadowing a warning about this woman.


vmb said...

Evaluative comments strengthen the planning component of your coursework.
You need to evaluate aspects of your own thriller (rather than describe the plot) and explain how your thriller effectively utilses generic signifiers. For example explain generic location, character types and action. Also evaluating the cliff hanger is important.
Don't forget to evaluate the soundtrack you eventually settled on.

vmb said...

You needed to include planning of costume of other characters, including the victim.

Overall planning is basic, a higher mark is not awarded because Bryony needs to include how planning ideas link to research into the thriller genre.

11/20 Level 2.