Sunday 16 November 2008

Analysis of my Perfume Ad

I chose to create my perfume advert in minimalistic colours, a deep contrast of black and white, so it would look bold and eye-catching. Also, i feel this helps the image of Lily Cole look more sophisticated, glamorous and powerful, and gives a feeling of pride, as she seems proud of how she looks.

I kept the perfume bottle in colour as it then attracts the viewers attention as being the main focus of the advert, and i placed it to the right, using the rule of thirds.

The font i used for 'English Rose' is called 'Bleeding Cowboys.' I used this font as i thought it looked attractive, bold and glamorous. I thought this because of the flicks on the font, the size of the font and the slightly gothic look it has, creating a sense of sophistication. I used a gradient of red to black on this font, as it stands out from the rest of the image, and the red matches the red of the rose on the perfume bottle. Red can also be associated with sexual desire and romance, having the same effect as the rose.

The viewer my perfume advert would attract, would be that of a younger generation, as the model used is quite popular amoung teens.


cnsmedia_kirstymottershaw said...

This is absolutely FANTASTIC Bryoniny-Rose Moron.

Bryony. said...

Krusty i think you made a couple of spelling mistakes there. :P

r.ricketts said...

Bryony, you have created a strong and dramatic advert. Within your analysis you need to comment directly on who is the target audience and how you made the advert appeal to this group. Also you need to develop your analysis and commentary on the technology you have used and how you composed your advert for example what shot types have you used? How have you composed the advert-rule of 3s?
Miss Ricketts