Wednesday 10 December 2008

Notes on the symbolism of 'birds' in Phsyco

During the film 'Physco', Marion Crane meets Norman Bates. Norman strikes the audience as an odd character, he lives in the middle of nowhere with his mother, as he likes to think "a man's best friend is his mother", and he also has a hobby in stuffing birds. This hobby of stuffing birds is significant as it symbolises morality, and paralysis of freedom, this also reflects Marion's plight.

The significance of the birds is shown in the names. Marion's surname is the name of a bird, Crane, and thus, the stuffed birds around the room anticipate Marion's fate. Normans suname is Bates, and this indicates someone who lures prey. This suggests Norman is a predatory character, and menace and tension is established. Norman also tells Marion how she eats like a bird, and how birds are passive. This is significant as the audience knows that Marion has quite a passive personality.

1 comment:

vmb said...

The stuffed birds connote Bates' predatory nature....also suggests Marion "Crane" may be his next victim........

Some useful detail....low Level 3?

Too little evidence of independent research.